Your AI PoweredNutritionist
Vegan? Paleo? Keto? Trying to build muscle? Trying to eat healthier? No problem. Let MealPlanChef do the heavy lifting. MealPlanChef generates meal plans for your week to help you achieve your goal or diet plan.

Make your Meal Plan personal.
MealPlanChef is not a cookie-cutter solution.
Each Meal Plan is personalized on your Gender, Age and Body Measurements.
Select Your Goal.
You can select Eat Ealthy, Gain Muscles, or Lose Weight.
MealPlanChef will then recommend you a suitable Meal Plan for the goal you have selected.
Select your Daily Activity Level.
Pick the option that is most suitable to your current lifestyle.
This will inform MealPlanChef on the right level of calories for your Meal Plan.
Select your dietary requirements.
You can select among Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Diary-Free, Keto, and Paleo.
MealPlanChef will then recommend you a suitable Meal Plan for the diet you have selected.
Select the Meal Plan duration.
Do you need a quick detox weekend or a full week plan?
MealPlanChef will recommend you a Meal Plan of as many days as you need.
Generate your Meal Plan.
Press the Generate button and wait for the magic to happen.
With one click you can save your Meal Plan in the Cookbook or add each meal recipe to the Shopping List. And if you want to order the Meal Plan ingredients online, you can add all the ingredients to your AmazonFresh or InstaCart shopping cart too!